Pastor and Bonnie Randle

Thank you for finding our Website & for taking the time to check us out! As you surf the Page, it is our hope that something you see or sense will cause you to seek out the Lord more in your Life. If you happen to live in the area or if your just passing through town, we would love for you to visit us some Sunday & experience God’s Presence in our Worship Service. In the bible, Acts 5:20 tells how Believers (Christians) of that time were told, “Go, stand in the Temple Courts (Churches), and tell the people all about this “New Life”.” After a full week, many of us find our way to 903 S. Old Route 66 on Sunday to do just that, we Glorify God for the “New Life” He has given us & we want to share with others how they too can find that same “New Life” through Jesus Christ. In fact, in John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have Life, and that they may have it More Abundantly.” We’d like for you to know that God does not show Favoritism & neither does “New Life” Church. So, no matter who you are, what you have done or where you have been, we Accept you just as you are. Our prayer is that you might find this “New Life” in Christ & begin to Live Abundantly!
May God Richly Bless You & We Hope To See You Soon!